25+ Reasons Why The Apple iPhone 5S Is Better Than The Samsung Galaxy S4 - PhoneBuff

Last week, we looked a whole lot of reasons why the Samsung Galaxy S4 could be considered better than Apple’s iPhone 5S. And just like we promised, this week we’ll be going over 25+ reasons why the opposite can be true. Now, just to clear things up, we’re in no way saying one phone is better than the other for everybody. That’s impossible and will never happen. Instead, we’re merely looking at the individual advantages of each device relative to one another. With that out of the way, let’s dive right into the list!

  1. Better build quality

  2. Display has better outdoor visibility

  3. Easier one handed use

  4. Getting all of Apple’s and some of Google’s ecosystem = best of both worlds

  5. Faster updates straight from Apple

  6. Dedicated vibrate switch

  7. Fingerprint scanner

  8. 120 FPS slow-motion at 720p

  9. Faster and longer lasting burst shot mode

  10. Dual LED flash

  11. Reversible charging port

  12. Battery fully charges faster

  13. AirDrop is more convenient and faster

  14. Privacy settings

  15. Guided access (for kids)

  16. Restrict certain apps and content (for kids)

  17. Better resale value

  18. No carrier bloatware pre-installed

  19. Selected text can be read aloud

  20. Access Siri even when the screen was off

  21. Quick access to camera even when passcode enabled

  22. Tap to the top of any list in any app

  23. Automatic video compression when e-mailing videos

  24. Better app selection with exclusives and sometimes better versions of non-exclusive apps

  25. Faster and smoother performance overall

  26. Displays the battery level of Bluetooth accessories in notification bar

  27. iMessage works seamlessly with SMS

  28. Slightly wider angled cameras

  29. Browser fully caches web pages so you can go back and forth without reloading

  30. More internal storage space available on equal models

  31. M7 co-processor uses less battery with peripherals

  32. Built-in emoji keyboard (without having to switch whole keyboard)

  33. Apple store customer service

  34. Multiple notification styles (banners and badges)

  35. Safari aggregates links from social media

  36. Phonetic names for contacts

There you have, that is our ever-evolving list of reasons why the iPhone 5S could be considered better than the Galaxy S4. If you have any “reasons” that aren’t in the list above, feel free to leave a comment down below and we’ll add it (and give you credit)!

About David Rahimi

David Rahimi is the editor-in-chief at PhoneBuff.com. Ever since he got his first smartphone, he has been obsessed with mobile technology and all that it has to offer. Other interests include business, investing, and neuroscience.


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